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Hello! CDS winter hours are Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30. **WINTER CONDITIONS? Please call ahead before you travel.**

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Looking for employment?

Job searching can be challenging, but being prepared can relieve some of the stress. Contact CDS to make an appointment.

A Career Development Practitioner can help you:

  • Create or update your resume
  • Write a cover letter
  • Explore job opportunities
  • Identify potential employers
  • Prepare for a job interview, and more.

Our staff are up to date on labour market trends & current job opportunities are posted daily on our Job Board.

At CDS we are here to support you every step of the way.

Unsure of the type of work you are interested in?

Meeting with a Career Counsellor at CDS can help you discover your skills, interests, and strengths, and will guide you through the career decision making process.

Career counselling supports the discovery of a career path that suits your personality, strengths, and lifestyle.

People of all ages can be unsure about which career & training opportunities suit them best. You can start by exploring careers through our free online tool - Career Cruising.

Need access to a computer & printer?

Each CDS location has a comfortable and quiet Resource Centre where you can make local phone calls, print, photocopy, scan, and use a computer and WiFi free of charge.

A selection of employment and training materials are available, and we have a Job Board displaying local employment opportunities.

You are welcome to use any of these CDS services for job search & career exploration purposes.

Workshops & Events

CDS offers workshops at various times throughout the year. Topics include:

  • Basic Computer Use
  • Cover Letters & Resumes
  • Job Search Skills
  • Networking - Creating Opportunity
  • Interview Preparation
  • The Confident Job Seeker

Contact your local CDS office to ask about upcoming workshops or to request services.

Check our Events/Workshops page to find out about career & employment-related events across Prince Edward Island.


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