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Hello! CDS winter hours are Mon-Fri, 8:30-4:30. **WINTER CONDITIONS? Please call ahead before you travel.**

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Frequently Asked Questions

1) How much do your services cost?

Our services are free! Contact us for details.

CDS is funded by the Department of Workforce, Advanced Learning and Population through the Canada-PEI Labour Market Agreements.


2) Do I have to be on Employment Insurance (EI) to use your services?

Anyone can use our public resource centre services. Regardless of your employment situation, please contact us to see if we can help.


3) Will someone at CDS type my resume for me?

We do not provide a typing service, but you can use our Resource Centre computers to type and print your resume. Staff at each CDS location are happy to assist you in the basic use of our computers, printer and scanner.

Visit our online Job Help-Centre for tips and suggestions on how to create a resume, write a cover letter, prepare for your interview and more.


4) Do I need to know how to use a computer to use your services?

Our staff will help you with the basics. We completely understand that each person has a different level of knowledge and comfort with computer and internet use. In addition, some locations offer computer training workshops.


5) Does CDS provide money for training?

Career Development Services can help you explore funding opportunities. We encourage you to book an appointment to talk about your needs and your specific situation.


6) Can you help me with my job search?

Yes. The staff at CDS are up to date on job search tools and the local labour market. They will provide you with information & strategies tailored to your specific situation. These may include:

  • How to find job openings
  • Networking effectively
  • Creating a resume and cover letter that will stand out
  • Interview preparation
  • Practice (mock) interviews

CDS staff also offer group workshops. Please visit our Workshops/Events page for details.


7) Do I have to book computer time in advance?

We have a number of computer workstations available for job search purposes on a first come, first served basis. Some sites also offer a private workspace for virtual interviews, making calls for your job search, etc. We recommend booking private space in advance.

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